Touche Amore

I love this band so much.

I only got listening to them last November but it feels like I have been listening to them for years such is the love I have for this band.

…To The Beat Of A Dead Horse remains one of my favourite albums after that hundreds of plays I have given it. I was listening to it on the train today and it still strikes me as to how good it is.

Touche Amore are that band for me who I put on when I can’t think of anything else, purely because I know that by listening to them I wont be anything else than enthralled.

I heard the new song Tilde on soundcloud the other day and it is a really good indication of how the new record will sound.

They aren’t the heaviest band around, infact the new album sounds like it will include a lot of clean guitar which I am stoked about. Where this band are ‘heavy’ is in the intensity of Jeremy Bolms vocals. The words he sings and the way he delivers them are just awesome.

Check out Touche Amore if you haven’t already. I honestly believe they are one of the best bands out there at the moment.

The passion that Jeremy puts into the middle part of Cadence in this video is incredible. Breathtaking.